jueves, julio 05, 2007

Solidaridad con el padre Hoyos

por Luisa Montero
La Prensa Gráfica

La comunidad salvadoreña residente en el área metropolitana de Washington asistió el pasado martes, en un gesto de solidaridad, a una misa en homenaje a los 11 diputados asesinados en Colombia por las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FARC).

Unas 800 personas acudieron a la misa que se celebró en honor de los diputados asesinados, entre quienes se cuenta a Jairo Javier Hoyos Salcedo, uno de los hermanos del sacerdote y líder comunitario Eugenio Hoyos.

Con banderas, pañuelos blancos y pancartas alusivas a la paz que rechazaban el incremento de la violencia en el país suramericano, los salvadoreños acompañaron a su líder espiritual y a cientos de sus compatriotas y repudiaron el acto que les costó la vida a los legisladores.

El sacerdote y los miembros de su familia que asistieron a la homilía oraron por que las FARC les devuelvan los restos de sus seres queridos.

El Gobierno de El Salvador participó mediante la representante de la Misión Permanente de El Salvador ante la OEA, Abigaíl Castro, y en una misiva el embajador de El Salvador ante la Casa Blanca, René León, que repudió el hecho, al que calificó de "cobarde asesinato."

De Diario de Hoy:

Audio: Reacción del padre Hoyos por el asesinato de su hermano

From Catholic News Service (7/3/2007):

Pope condemns killing of 11 Colombian lawmakers by guerrilla forces

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI condemned the killing of 11 Colombian lawmakers by guerrilla forces and urged the release of all those held hostage in the country. The deputies were shot and killed after being held for more than five years by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known by its Spanish acronym, FARC. The rebels said the victims were killed in crossfire during an attack on a rebel camp. The pope, speaking at his noon blessing in St. Peter's Square July 1, called the slayings a "barbaric" act in a country torn by "fratricidal hatred." He said he shared in the deep sorrow of the relatives of the victims. "I renew my heartfelt appeal that all kidnappings cease immediately and that all the victims of this inadmissible form of violence be returned to their loved ones," he said. Bishop Paul S. Loverde of Arlington, Va., offered prayers for the family of Jairo Hoyos Salcedo, one of the 11 killed and the brother of the director of the Arlington Diocese's Spanish Apostolate. Father Jose Eugenio Hoyos, the director, said: "It is a very sad moment. If they had not killed them in more than five years, no one was expecting that they would do it at all."

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